- 1 pc. Portable Drafting Table (for short program students)
- A full-sized Drafting Table is required for long program students. This can be purchased or rented from the school. For inquiries, please email neecaduncil@sofa.edu.ph.
- 1pc. Clutch/Mechanical Pencil with Extra Lead
- 1pc. Staedtler T-square
- 1 set Triangle (30,60,45)
- 1pc. Architect's Scale
- 1pc. Carrying Tube
- 20 sheets 15 x 20 Tracing Paper
- 1 set Staedler Technical Pens in 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7
- 1pc. Carrying Case 15 x 20
- 5 sheets Manila Paper
- 1pc. Sharpie in Red, Blue & Black
- 1 set Unipins (if without Drafting Kit) in 0.5 or 0.2, 0.5 or 0.4, 0.7 or 0.8
- 1pc. Black Sharpie (if without Drafting Kit)
- 1pc. Staedtler Black Exam Dust-Free Eraser / General Soft Rubber / Vinyl Eraser (if without a Drafting Kit)
Please take note of the following order and pickup schedules before placing your order. Be sure to place your order ahead of time as rushed orders cannot be accommodated.
- Order Period: August 14 - 25, 2023 (Pick-up is September 1, 2023 onwards)
- Order Period: August 26 - September 8, 2023 (Pick-up September 15, 2023 onwards)
- Order Period: September 9- 22, 2023 (Pick-up is September 29, 2023 onwards)
- Order Period: September 23 - October 6, 2023 (Pick-up is October 13, 2023 onwards)
- "Add to Cart", checkout, and settle your payment via www.sofadigitalcampus.com.
- All "Creative Tools" orders shall be picked-up by the buyer from the SoFA Campus. Depending on when the order was placed, the order will be available for pick-up on pre-specified dates. Please see the schedule above. The buyer may pick-up the order from the SoFA Campus or use a third party logisitics provider (i.e. Grab, Lalamove, etc.). The buyer must coordinate with the Administrative Office via email to Neeca Duncil at neecaduncil@sofa.edu.ph or mobile at (0917) 653 9248.